1. “At the first gesture of morning, flies began stirring. Inman’s eyes and the long wound at his neck drew them, and the sound of their wings and the touch of their feet were soon more potent than a yardful of roosters in rousing a man to wake.”

-        This quote describes how primitive the medical care was that the protagonist had to deal with. Since this is during the time of the civil war, flies would get at wounds and therefore make the wounds infected. It describes how helpless the protagonist is, by not being able to swat away the flies due to his wound on his neck.

“Inman had taken his own during the fighting outside Petersburg. When his two companions pulled away his clothes and looked at his neck, they had said him a solemn farewell in expectation of his death.”

-        This quote outlines how Inman was put into this sensitive and meditative state in the hospital. Where everyone is expecting him to die, but he isn’t and wont give up on life. He starts to look deeper into the beauty of nature and notice things he never did before.


Object #1: The seed: As Inman’s wound started to slowly and progressively heal, things would start to surface and come out of it. One of these things was an unknown seed/pit that he had no idea where had came from. This gave him tormenting nightmares (seed growing inside of him) and sets the tone on Inman’s dark and confused mindset.

Object #2 The damp fly swatter made of horse hair: One thing that bothers Inman the most is the constant annoyance of flies. He needs the fly swatter to get the flies off of him and his wound. The dampness of the swatter really portrays how damp and musky the environment he’s in really is

Object #3 Soured sheets underneath Inman in the hospital: During the civil war, lots of beds were used for the sick and wounded. There was high amounts of men and women coming and going in a very short time period. So the sheets were never cleaned. Just like Inman’s conscience. It has been tainted by war and plagued by the memory of soldiers being killed.

Object #4 Musket Guns: The guns everywhere around Inman portray the environment around him by being the symbol of war. War is everywhere around him and the gun reminds of him of the atrocities of war every time he sees one.

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