1. “Inman, recovering from his wound at the hospital, contemplates how the war has changed him into a broken, empty man, skeptical of all that he once held to be true. He longs to heal his spirit, and to do that he clings to the idea of Cold Mountain as a healing place.”

- This quote reveals how empty Inman feels after having to be in the hospital for such an extended period of time due to his wound on his neck. He knows that his character is shattered, and he uses Cold Mountain as his mental “rock” to try and combat his negative mindset.

“After a fierce day of fighting, Inman and a boy soldier lie under the stars on the battlefield, bodies all over the ground. Inman finds comfort in knowing that a particular star in Orion is called “Rigel,” but his companion says that is just man’s name for the star; only God knows what the star is really named. The boy means that men try to control their world, and when they do, they mess that world up with politics and wars. After all that Inman has seen in battle, he begins to wonder if the boy is right: knowledge is an illusion of control.”

-        For this quote, I believe it shows that Inman isn’t interested in fighting this war for people he doesn’t even know. He takes more of an interest in the things around him, and fascinates himself with things of nature to make himself feel better after fighting. Inman now begins to think about the true meaning of war and how it affects him and the people around him.



“Broken”- This is an adjective describing Inman, as his soul and character are broken due to his wound, as well as he questions his own self worth when he is fighting in the war. 

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